Here We Go Again

So we are at it again.

Every life cycle of red pill hate starts in different camps, but it involves the same premise

Women don’t like something that empowers men, so they demonize and “boogeyman” it until it becomes the face of why men are bad and women aren’t getting what they want.

This time, tradwives as well as their “conservative” ilk have decided that this “red pill” is the enemy. Every day a new “Christian, traditional woman” account pops up to accuse the red pill of all sorts of atrocities, including why men won’t commit, the promiscuity that permeates our culture, and why we need God to smite the red pill gurus who consistently push sin.

Now mind you, feminists have been employing this tactic for many moons, demonizing the red pill as a “men’s rights grift”, misogyny, or labeling it as “inceldom” breeding grounds.

All of it is wrong, but it won’t stop them from trying to staple every bad thing men do to the red pill as a way to continue to grow the crusade to keep men from becoming better, which is what the baseline of the red pill is.

The red pill has always been men swapping notes to understand and get better at all sorts of things, with the lion’s share of it being trying to get better with women. And it has always been a guide on how to navigate and get better in a feminized world. It also doesn’t have a moral, political, or religious connotation attached to it, which is why Christian conservative women are pointing their crosses at it. Because deep down, feminism’s roots have affected every aspect of life, and the church, as well as traditional values are certainly not immune from it.

As with many groups, certain people need a villain in order to exist, even if the villain is imaginary.

The red pill fits this bill. Dudes trying to learn how to change their car’s oil, learning to tie a tie, or even approaching and having sex with women are under fire because, once again, the red pill advocates for men’s improvement, not at the expense of women, but at the expense of feminism.

And that’s a problem. Women don’t want a lower caste of men becoming like the top 20% of men they want. Men need to stay in their lanes, provide and shut up. We know the red pill came about as a response to feminism, and it has a conservative connotation simply because it helps men, and men tend to be conservative. But the new hate from conservative women isn’t new if you understand that these women aren’t conservative at all, merely feminism with an apron and apple pie.

It doesn’t help that we have, as per usual, red pill grifters trying to earn engagement by once again misrepresenting what the red pill says. This year’s Pearl or Myron was last years ADJ, so it stands to reason that there will always be those who will ride the coattails of it.

What we are seeing that is different is these red pill “grifters” are going mainstream, and more people than ever are seeing this term pop up. So with more influence, the meanings of it are being bent and shaped by those who wish to profit from it and those who wish to profit from it’s existence so that can rail against it.

In short, it’s become whatever someone needs it to be, which is why the fight has gone to new, unprecedented heights.

While feminism has known and battled against the red pill since the early 2000’s, the conservative women’s movement who claim to be pro-man are now seeing it come up and joining the battle with their liberal brethren.


Because once again, the red pill doesn’t serve a woman’s interest, and something that doesn’t serve a woman’s interest is inherently bad.


Because the red pill shines light on a woman’s nature, and no matter what political leanings a woman has, she still can’t override Mother Nature.


Because no matter how many pies she bakes, kids she raises, or aprons she dons, feminism is still imbedded in the female psyche and those barn doors won’t be closed. Society is still feminized and women are the most protected class.

And anything that benefits a man isn’t good.

The longhouse is still the destination, even if the oven’s on and breakfast is served. Conservative women have shown they aren’t for men as much as they are for men who do what they are told, believe what they believe, and do it with no fuss.

What did men expect? You get “support” when you do what you’re told.

Even in conservative spaces where men thought they had allies in women, the tide has turned as these women, who claimed they were for men and their improvement. But as usual, the mask slips and they aren’t, so now you have these women who are “for conservatism” shilling for feminism on the right. No difference to see between them and their blue haired contemporaries on the left.

Women will never understand that the red pill is a benefit to them because it benefits men. Better men mean better prospects for women. But so many women these days want a man for one way serfdom over mutual service to each other. Because they’ve been told they’re entitled to it, a spectacular claim that feminism wrought.

Why did men think this would go any other way? Red pill isn’t for women, it never has been, and never will be, but it will always be the dead horse for them.

And it will continue, indefinitely. For as long as feminism exists, the red pill will be a required take for men looking to get better in this world. And it will always be a boogeyman for women looking for why men can’t do what they’re told.

As the red pill continues to get ejected into the mainstream, it will continue to court hatred. And that’s okay, it doesn’t matter, because truth will always court those who wish to bend it to their own devices.

All the while, it will continue to help men navigate this world and become better, and that is the most important thing.

That’s the thing about the truth.

Like a float, no matter what people try to do to push it down, it will always come back to the top.

Perhaps those who wish it to sink would be wise to understand it never will.

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